Jaco Costa Rica


+(506) 8436 1328


+506) 8436 1328


Fishing and boat trips are available out of Flamingo, Tamarindo, Nosara, Jaco (Los Sueños Costa Rica Fishing Los SuenosMarina), Quepos, Drake Bay and Golfito.

Fishing Tortuguero As Prices may vary by season, ship size, and number of people. We recommend that you call us directly for more details on a fishing trip for you leaving at Los Suenos Marina or Herradura Bay.



How do you get around Costa Rica? Read our car rental section for more information! We have the products on rental cars, buses, even in Costa Rica flight, as well as personal guides and distances between destinations.


Marlin Fishing

Marlin are seen throughout the year, especially during the months of late January through mid-September. Blue marlin are especially common mixed sailboat everything works.


Candles are abundant throughout the year, however, during the months of December to the end of May should expect to see many free jumpers and excessive amounts of fish. As Marlin, sailfish are taken throughout the year usually from 5-15 fish per day.

Tuna fishing

Tuna Fishing Costa RicaThe largest tuna caught during the race more productive Sailfish and Marlin, Tuna, but are generally smaller throughout the year.

Dorado Fishing

Also known as Mahi Mahi or Dolphin fish. Dorado are most abundant between February and October, when the rivers are sent logs and other floating debris in the ocean. These fish are attracted to drift under the rubble and hang out. Aureus can be captured throughout the year, but also.



Wahoo Fishing

The area is known to contain a large number of these fish fast, but you never know. They are round of random numbers, but one of them as a catch is a great dinner!

Cock Fish

Undoubtedly, the rooster is the most exciting inshore fish available and are the main attraction for inshore fishermen. These fish are hiding around rocky and is one hell of a fight! They are not good to eat because of all his strength, but tend to make a lot of sperm to the line. Roosters can take years on average 20-40 pounds.

Red Snapper Fishing

This is the most popular of all local snapper, due to their size and brute strength. Fish over 50 pounds have been caught in the area throughout the year. Are very similar to fish snapper. Here is More About Fishing in Costa Rica

Why Fishing With Us

We have over 12 years experience in planning vacation itineraries in Costa Rica combined, and found that the needs and desires of each client are different. Our representatives have the local knowledge and invaluable experience that allows us to understand their needs and design a route that works for you.

We specialize in custom itineraries, our success lies in the attention to detail and personalized service. Just try and we guarantee you will be amazed at the service we provide our assistance in planning our route service in the country.



+506 8310 8393

Costa Rica Fishing Kings


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